Summer 2003 Update
on Toshiba 540P Upconversion Process
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540p Wedge
The 540 line wedge can now clearly show 540 lines from the DVD
format in 480P from the player. The region from 500 to 540 lines no longer gets
blurry to the point of vanishing.

Click here for enlarged photo
Many kudos to the folks at Toshiba for getting it fixed. A fix
to a problem that few believe existed, but it is fixed and I can start to recommend
Toshiba sets again. They no longer degrade the DVD images.
One other quick note, it looks like they have put back into the
service menu some form of colour decoder control.
However, not all is rosy though. Every silver lining has a
cloud. This particular 51H83 unit that I tested had another problem that I have seen
sporadically on Toshibas and other brands too. There was a rather severe ghosting of
the image. An image bleed. So bad that I told the people at the store that
this set needed to be looked at and soon. I would never recommend anyone buy a unit
that looked like this.
As usual, your mileage may vary so keep an eye out for that ghosting
problem. The 540P issue appears to be solved. I can rest again.
<< June
2003 Report (540p Fixed!) | July 2002 Report
| January 2002 (Original Report)