Summer 2003 Update
on Toshiba 540P Upconversion Process
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Tip from Michael
(27 June 2003) Its the end of June,
2003 now and the new 2003/2004 model year Toshiba RPTV sets are starting to appear in the
stores. I got my hands on one of the first sets locally, a 51H83 16:9 unit at the local
A&B Sound north store.
Without any more fanfare, I will get right down to it. These images
show that Toshiba has fixed the 540P upconversion degradation problem that plagued their
sets for the past two years. This is the first of the 540P breed that does not degrade
fine detail in the DVD and it does not add banding interference patterns into the image
like before. The third time is definitely the charm when it comes to this problem.
The 6.75 Mhz pattern is now clearly visible from the AVIA disc. No
it looks like it should look for the most part. (The before vs. after
image is shown is each case.)

Click here
for enlarged Before & After Photo
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<< June 2003 Report
(540p Fixed!) | July 2002 Report | January 2002 (Original Report)