Update on
540P Upconversion on 72/82 Model Toshibas
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The next image is a full screen image
of the TVL 200 resolution chart. A carry over
problem from the previous year remains. Notice
the banding patterns in the three ovals and the center oval. This distortion will still carry through into the
viewed material
but I doubt most will even see it.
It still bugs me and rightly so since it should not be there.

Toshiba 50H72 200 TVL image
Toshiba has apparently
improved the way the 540P up conversion works.
It is still a step behind the competing Hitachi sets, but they are getting
closer. Does this mean that people should be
avoiding Toshiba sets? Heck no
image is fine indeed and this next little bonus segment will show you something
interesting about the new Toshiba sets.

Toshiba 50H72 480i image
The image
here (above) is from the resolution wedge that I have shown before, but this time it is
from a 480i source using the line doubling power of the TV
notice the ringing
around all the numbers and the edge ghost along the right side of the resolution wedge.
In this image (below), I am using a
480P signal from the RP62 and you see that the edging and ghosting is greatly reduced. Just one of the advantages of 480P from the DVD
player as opposed 480i. Below is the 540 line
wedge again as used earlier. It is 480P and
much cleaner than the 480i version. Unfortunately
the image size of the two are not quite the same. The
colour shift you see is from the grayscale. It
was not completed yet for the 480i image, but finished for the 480p image. It has no impact on what I am trying to show.
looks like the ghosting problem with the Toshiba sets is either gone or significantly
reduced with the new models. (Note that this might be a single good sample
the jury is still out here.)

Toshiba 50H72 480p image
Thats all for now.