Stringing Knots
There are a number knots used in stringing a
- Double half hitch knot
- Starting knot
- Pro Knot, also
called the Richard Parnell Knot
- Comprehensive
list of stringing knots

Double Half Hitch
The double half hitch knot is used to tie off the end of
the string. Although commonly used and known for tying off the end of the string, it
can be used as a starting knot as well.
The knot is depicted in the drawing and in a couple of
pictures below.

Starting Knot
As noted above, some folks use the double half hitch to
start the crosses. But others use a special knot used specifically to start the
The knot is depicted in the drawing and in a couple of
pictures below.

Pro Knot /
Richard Parnell Knot
The professionals favor this knot for a number of
reasons. I can see why. When done correctly, the knot is very compact with
the end of the string neatly tucked against the frame. It is very secure with no
slippage or breakage issues with all string types even with fragile strings like gut.
I prefer this knot over the two knots above. It is
fast, secure, and very easy to do!

To see of a video of this knot, click one
of the GrandSlamStringers.com video clips below:
Thanks to David Pavlich, Jaycee, and Joe at
stringforum.net who provided the wisdom on the different knots.

list of Stringing Knots
Ian Cheong sent me an email pointing out a document that
has a comprehensive list of stringing knots. It is published by the European Racquet
Stringers Association (ERSA).
It used to be at the following link:
Unfortunately, ERSA has removed or relocated it. :(
It's a shame because it is one of the best references I've
seen on stringing information and instructions.
If anyone has any info on this document or an updated
version of it, please feel free to let me know so I can post the info here.

Got Tips or Suggestions?
If you have any suggestions or tips for other tennis
enthusiasts, please let me know and I'll post it here for you.